No Ghost
From Mr Peter James Sir: I hate to sound ungrateful for the flat- tery he lavishes on me, but D.J. Taylor's piece on those 'who really write the nation's bestselling books' CA......
Schools Out
From Mr Tom Benyon Sir: Rachel Johnson (What we can learn from Europe', 28 October) is right to be astonished that our education system remains mired in the 19th century. If you......
Uzbekistan Rights
From Mr Mardon Yakubov Sir: I am writing to you concerning the recent article 'Dangerously mercurial' by Justin Marozzi (7 October). It is obvious that the author wanted to......
Beware Zanzibar
From Professor Yorick Wilks Sir: Your editorial 'Labour's lovely loony' (21 October) underestimates the true social engineer when you write, 'The law has no jurisdiction in......