Catholic Truth
From Mr Guy Stair Sainty Sir: In her commentary on the meeting between the Pope and the Queen CA tale of two Churches', 14 October), Melanie Phillips has quoted even more......
Statue In The Park
From C.L. Kauffman Sir: Having been away during August and September, it is only now that I am catching up with past issues of The Spectator. There is, in the 12 August issue, a......
In Other Words.. .
From Mr Andrew Roberts Sir: Tony Benn, in his review of Peter Hen- nessy's new book The Prime Minister (Books, 21 October), wrote that Jim Callaghan had very few months to......
Miltonic Metre
From Mr Philip Hensher Sir: I don't know why Michael Horovitz finds it necessary to resort to name-calling and giving vent to his stupid, suburban big- otry (Letters, 28......
Pearls Before Shaun
From Mr Eric Dehn Sir: I read Mark Seddon's question-mark on Shaun Woodward (Is Woodward dead wood?', 28 October) with a personal interest, having taught Shaun in his......
Pair Of Lefties
From Mr Eric Smith Sir: What a splendid cover picture by Jonathan Wateridge for The Spectator of 14 October. However, rather to my surprise, not only are the Queen and the Pope......
Famous For 11 Inches
From Mr Christopher Wilson Sir: Little wonder that Susan Crosland made her excuses and left when confronted by Porfirio Rubirosa (Letters, 21 October). I have it on no less an......