4 OCTOBER 1828, Page 14


We formerly alluded to the great inconvenience to which individuals connected with India are exposed, through the conduct of the commanders of vessels, who frequently retails the packets of letters intrusted to their charge till their arrival at Gravesend, instead of landing them at an out-port. The arrangements at the Post Office are in general so excellent, that it is with surprise the public see this practice tolerated. But the truth is, we believe, that the penalty for an offence of this nature is ruinous, :tad therefore seldom, Weyer, enforced, and that the excessive severity of the law renders it totally inetllmtive.

A case in point has just occurred. The Lady Hannah Ellice, arrived in the Downs last Monday, but her Commander does not appear to have as yet put ashore a single letter.

Fax mks' EvE.3:1

Arrived.-In the Downs Sept. 29th, Lady Hannah Ellice from Bombay. Sept. 30tb, Albion, Proctor front N. S. Wales. Cleveland, Havelock, from Bombay and Layton, Lipscombe from Singapore. Oct. 1st, Forth, Robertson, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, Sept. aith, Gleniffer, Stevenson, front Bombay. At St. Helena, Aug. 10th, Fortune, Gilkison, from Bombay. At Calcutta, April 30th, Louisa, Mackie, from Leith. May 1st, Peru, Graham, from London. At Batavia, June 9th, Reaper, Rbind and Margaretha, Reed from London. At N. S. Wales, Alexander Henry, Muggeridge, from Loudon.

Sailed.-From Gravesend, Sept. 30th, Ann, Sly, and Oct. 1st, Olive-branch, Anderson, both for the Cape.

Spoken.-Candian, Reed, 27th April, 19 South, 82 East. Hercules, Vaughan, 1Stit .Tune, 11 North, 22 West, and Cornwall, Aldham, 31st July, 5 North, 22 Vest; all bound to Bengal. Hedleys, 17th August, lat. 14, long. 25, and Dunvegan Castle, 20th August, 1 South, 20 West ; both for the Mauritius. Henry Wellesley, Church, from London to N. S. Wales, 16th July, at Cape de Verd.

Disasters.-The Robarts, Corbyn, from London to Bengal, put back to Plymouth on the 28th Sept. having been partially dismasted and otherwise damaged in a severe gale which she experienced on the 24th, in lat. 49, long. 10. Her remaining masts have been condenmed.

The Protector, Bragg, from Liverpool to Bombay, put into Cork :on the 28th ult. to be lightened.