To Sail From Gravesend Positively On The 12th Of October...
F OR CEYLON, the beautiful, new river-built coppered Ship, SIR JOHN RAE REID, ANDREW HAIG, Commander. Burthen 350 Tons. Lying in the West India Export Duck. Has a Poop,......
Iv Est Of England Broad Cloths, Cassime Res, Eee. At The...
W. STEPHENS begs to inform the public, that having an opportunity of purchasing from the first Manufacturers in the West of England, and the locality of his premises avoiding......
This Day Is Published In 4to. With An Eleeantly Engraved...
it UNIVERSAL PRAYER; DEATH; 1 . 1 A VISION OF HEAVEN ; and A VISION OF HELL : Poems. By ROBERT BIONTGOIIIERV, Author of " The Omnipresence of the Deity," &c. &e. THE......
A Utobiogaphy ; A Collection Of The Most Instructive And...
LIVES ever published, WRITTEN by the PARTIES THEMSELVES. With Original Introductions and Sequels. Vol. 1. Colley Cibber. 2. Hume. Lilly. Voltaire. 3. and 4. Marmoutel. I. Robert......
This Day Is Published, B Lackwood's Edinburgh Magazine....
1. Ireland and the Catholic Question. 2. The Sphinx. An Extravaganza, etched in the manner of Callot. 3. Ireland as it is; in 1821 4. Bath. A Satire. 0. Tales of the O'Hara......
This Day,
THE LONDON MAGAZINE For OCTOBER. Contents: 1. Reforms of the Law : The Magistracy. 2. Dramatic Literature. 3. Elementary Education. 4. On the present State of Opinion in......
This Day Is Published, Price 7s. ( H I. No. V. Of The...
Contents : 1. Arabic Literature. 2. Language and Literature of the Magyars (Hungarian.) 3. Guizot's History of the English Revolution. 4. illazure's history of the Revolution of......
This Day, Price Is.
T HE HARMONIC ON, a Popular JOURNAL OF MUSIC. In each Monthly Number of this elegant Publication are given Seven Pieces of Vocal and Instrumental Music, arranged for the......
ANN UALS FOR 18 1 2t 9 : Strand. ADAPTED FOR CISRIS IrT TAI . S AND NEW YEAR'S G p C. WESTLEY respectfully solicits an - L • early application on the part of Subscribes's, in......