This Day,
For OCTOBER. Contents: 1. Reforms of the Law : The Magistracy. 2. Dramatic Literature.
3. Elementary Education. 4. On the present State of Opinion in Ireland. 5. Mornings among the Cobwebs f Puff; against Tolmeeo.
6. Comparative View of the State of Trade in 1826, 7,8.
7. Duke of Neweastle's Opiuions upon Toleration and Liberality.
S. Gale of the Waters.
9. Account of the present State of Tripoly. 10. Biographies of Dr. Parr. 11. The Religious World Displayed: Rev. Dr. Clad fliers.
12. Pelham.
13. Diary for September. 14. War of Independence in South AllleriCIA. 15. The Editor's Room, tec. &c.
London : printed for the Proprietors, and published by their Ageet, Henry Hooper, at the office of the London Magazine, 13, Pall-Mall East.