News Of The Week.
IT appears that the wrath of England is not regarded on the Confluent with that salutary 'dread which a patriotic Englishman would expect. The Emperor of Russia has really......
Reports Of The Storming And Capture Of Shumla, And Of
a great slaughter of Turks at Varna, have prevailed, but without being traced to any authentic source. The evacuation of the Morea by Ibrahim Pacha and his Egyptians, was to......
The Attention Of The Nation Continues To Be Intently Fixed
on Ireland. In two instances in Tipperary' the peace had been broken, and fears were excited for the consequences which might ensue from the continued assemblies of the......
Saturday Night.
There is no news from the seat of war. It is reported in one of the Evening Papers, that the belligerents are negotiating through the medium of Austria; but very little credit......