IV EST OF ENGLAND BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIME RES, eee. at the Lowest Prices, for Ready Money. No. U. Northumberlandcourt, Strand.
W. STEPHENS begs to inform the public, that having an opportunity of purchasing from the first Manufacturers in the West of England, and the locality of his premises avoiding the expense or a public shop, he is enabled to offer his goods cousideraley below the usual prices. The extensive credit given in this trade, and the number of bad debts thus incurred, have rendered extravagant profits a necessary compensation ; and, as a natural consequence, those to whom credit is a matter of indifference, have to pay an exorbitant price for their articles.
W. S. is aware that many gentlemen would be induced to purchase their own materials, were they provided with competent persons to make them up . to obviate this difficulty he has enga,gete men of experience and judgment in that department, and will undertake to execute any orders with which he may he favoured, in the first style of fashion, and with the best workmanship, on reasonable terms. By this mode of effecting purchases' gentlemen will find that coats, for which they have been paying from £4. to £4. 10s. may be procured at this warehouse, from £2.1.8s. to 3.3s., for ready money.