4 OCTOBER 2003, Page 40

Biter bit

From Simon Sinclair Sir: In trying to persuade his nanny to refer to his children's evening meal as 'dinner', Damien McCrystal's snobbery overreaches itself (First, weigh your nanny', 27 September). I've always understood that dinner is the name we give to the main meal of the day and that, unlike adults, children and dogs are served theirs at midday. I believe the word he and his nanny were looking for is 'supper'.

Simon Sinclair

Romiley, Cheshire

From John McKerrow Sir: Damien McCrystal is right to be wary of corpulent nannies, but disturbing as Mr McCrystal's account is, I cannot be wholly sympathetic, for all of these predicaments were easily avoidable. The solution is staring him in the face. He and his wife should raise their children themselves instead of allowing some stranger to do it for them.

John McKerrow
