4 OCTOBER 2003, page 44

Happy Band Of Brothers

Angela Huth THE Two POUND TRAM by William Newton Bloomsbury, f12.99, pp. 192, ISBN 0747566976 V ery occasionally one comes across a book which, in its unexpected delights,......

The Run-up To A Giant Leap

M. R. D. Foot TEN DAYS TO D-DAY by David Stafford LittieBrown, £20, pp. 366, ISBN 0376724777 W orld history is pitted with world wars. Last century was conceited enough to call......

Battle Versus Work

P. N. Furbank ARCTIC SUMMER by E. M. Forster Hesperus, £6.99, pp. 87, ISBN 1843910616 T he great popular success of Forster's Howards End, published in 1910, meant that he was......