4 OCTOBER 2003, page 38

Deluding Themselves

From George Bathurst Sir: Melanie Phillips is right to assert that Blair is not a liar (Honest Tony', 27 September). She's wrong to think that that's OK then. Blair is a......

In Denial

From C. Francis Warren Sir: In the last two editions of The Spectator, we have had detailed examination of the BBC's EU bias, even if, as Peter Hitchens says, it is not only......

A Lot To Ask

From Michael Bright Sir: 1 would like the Conservative party conference to bring back Mr Nasty. I would like to hear that the burden of tax is to be reduced to 35 per cent of......

Sainthood On Schedule

From Dimitri Cava lli Sir: In her otherwise interesting article, (Go straight to Heaven', 20 September) Anne Sebba reports that the Vatican's plans to canonise Pope Pius XII are......