READABLE NOVELS.—Doctor Syn. By Russell Thorndike. (Thomas Nelson and Sons.
6s,)—A well-written story of smuggling end of the Romney marshes in Georgian days.— Maria Again. By Mrs. John Lane. (John Lane. 6s,)— Maria's shrewd little "conversations" are gently amusing, although, with the exception of the last two, they belong to a London which is past and gone.—Golden Glory. By F. Horace Rose. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—This adventure tale of South Africa a century ago, which gained the South African prize in a recent novel competition, is immensely long and leisurely; but Mr. Rose writes well and evidently from first-hand knowledge.--Dreams: By George A. B. Dewar. (Elkin Mathews. 2s. 6d. net.)—These three little sketches are full of delicacy, especially the first, which is the most delightful ghost story that we have read for a long time.