Walter Bagehot On War Cabinets. Pro Mos Editor Or The
" SPECTATOI01 Sin,—There has lately been a considerable amount of dis- cussion with regard to the fitness of a Cabinet consisting of so large a number as twenty-two Ministers......
The Parliamentary War Savings Committee.
[To TED EDITOR OF TIM "SPROTAT0a...] SIR,—Your correspondent "Anxious Patriot" says in his letter in your issue of August 21st, d propos of the leaflets issued by the......
Experiences As An Enumerator.
rTo THE EDITOR or TUX “SPECTATOR."] SIE,—I had charge of a large parish in Devon, sparsely inhabited, and I came Heroes some expressions of belief as to the cause of the war......
The Drink Problem.
[To TRD EDITOR OP TUR " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Yon earned the gratitude of many of your readers by your patriotic and vigorous campaign against the sale of drink during the war some......
The Political Economy Of War.
(TO Tu■ EDITOR or TUB " Sricorvrou.."1 Sin,—I only hope your reviewer is right in thinking that I paint the economic effects of war over-luridly in black or red. I am afraid,......
The Uses Of The Register.
[To TER EDITOR OF TRII " EPRCTATOR..1 Sxn,—It would perhaps be a breach of discretion if those who are now emplCyed in compiling statistics for the National Register were to......