Why Holland Is Neutral.
rTo Tux EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—I have read with considerable interest the letter of my fellow-countryman " Batavier " on this subject. I cannot say, however, that I......
Letters To The Editor.
THE MOBILIZATION OF WILL-POWER. [To THZ EDITOR 05 THZ " SPECTATOR:1 SIB,—The day of intercession and affirmation has long ago passed, and, so far as I know, nothing has been......
Walter Bagehot On War Cabinets. Pro Mos Editor Or The
" SPECTATOI01 Sin,—There has lately been a considerable amount of dis- cussion with regard to the fitness of a Cabinet consisting of so large a number as twenty-two Ministers......
Sandbags: An Appeal From Oxford. [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] have read with considerable interest, not unmixed with amusement and even pity, the letter in your issue of August 21st on the above subject. I would point out......