- Another frightful disaster at sea, almost, if not quite,
the most destructive since the loss of the Royal George with "twice four hundred men." The White Star steamer 'Atlantic,' from Liverpool to New York, fearing a storm and falling short of coal,—of which it seems she had at starting a more than ordinary supply,—ran for Halifax, and apparently miscalculating her speed, struck on Mars Island, near Halifax, on Tuesday morning, at two o'clock. The ship broke in two and went down almost immediately, and those saved were saved chiefly by getting into the rigging. There were 1,038 souls on board, of whom 432 were saved, leaving a total loss of 606 persons ;—not a single ' woman, and but one child at most, was saved. Hardly half the number went down in the Northfleet ; in the Royal Charter 446, in the Birkenhead 454 were lost, and less than 500 were drowned even in the Captain. Many who were saved,—including the cap- tain,—were savedby the courage of one of the officers, named Brady, who got a line to the rock, forty yards distant. The company whose great ship (worth £120,000) has been thus lost appear to have issued only last month the strictest injunctions to Captain Williams, as regards caution, and against " competitive " sailing. And if they are to be trusted, he had a supply of coal of 60 tons a day for sixteen days. The Atlantic had only been out eleven clays.