The Select Committee On The Rise In The Price Of
Coal have pretty well established that the rise in wages has not had much to do with the recent rise of price. A rise of half-a-crown a ton seems to be about the most which has......
The Church Association Have Had A Grave Conference On What
ought to be done to check the growth of sacerdotalisin in the Church of England, and have decided apparently not to begin wholesale litigation and not to leave the Ritualists......
The Dinner Of The Institute Of Civil Engineers, On Saturday,
was diversified by mutual censure as well as mutual praise, and for liveliness the mutual censure very naturally had the best of it. The chairman of the evening was Mr.......
'the Papers Have Been Full All The Week Of "
later-University " matches. There have been the Boat-race, the Chess Mitch, the Racquet Match, the Billiard Match, and the Athletic Sports. The Boat-race was an easy victory for......
The Challenger Appears To Be Picking Up Very Curious Crea-
tures from the bottom of the Atlantic. It has dredged up creatures almost entirely composed of eyes, in which the body is a mere appendage to the eyes, and another, a crustacea,......
The Women Are Beginning To Show How Much They Value
the new opportunities offered them of higher education. One student A Girton College (the college which has hitherto had its habita- tion at Hitchin), Miss Woodhead, has passed......
It Has Been Discovered That Many Londoners Mistake Old And
disused pumps, in which there is a slit where the handle used to work, for letter-boxes, and put their letters in them. In one in Great Titchfield Street several of these were......
The Due D'aumale's Reception Address At The French...
Thursday, an doge of M. de Montalembert, was evidently a distinguished literary, perhaps a political, success. The Assembly adjourned for the day. All the talents of France......
The Sentence Passed By Judge Lawson On Mr. Mcaleese, The
publisher of the Ulster Examiner, for an act of undoubted con- tempt of Court, is, to say the least of it, somewhat severe. The articles incriminated imputed both to the Crown......