News Of The Week.
T HE Right in France are losing their presence of mind, and beginning to hit about wildly. They combined with a smell _number of the extreme Left this day week to cast a slur on......
- Another Frightful Disaster At Sea, Almost, If Not Quite,
the most destructive since the loss of the Royal George with "twice four hundred men." The White Star steamer 'Atlantic,' from Liverpool to New York, fearing a storm and falling......
There Was A Curious Scene In The House Of Commons
on Thursday. Mr. Munster (M.P. for Mallow), influenced in some measure apparently by Mr. Justice Lawson's severe, and we are inclined to think unduly severe, sentence on the......
Mr. Fawcett's Trinity College, Dublin, Bill Is No Longer A
poli- tical danger, and in its new and truncated form will almost certainly pass. Yesterday week, too late for Us to record the fact before going to press, a discussion took......