THE Right in France are losing their presence of mind, and beginning to hit about wildly. They combined with a smell _number of the extreme Left this day week to cast a slur on the Government for its action in ordering Prince Napoleon to leave France, forgetful that the late Due de Broglie himself in 1832 ridi- culed in the strongest way the idea that when a dynasty bad been overthrown, princes of that dynasty could be allowed to enter France as plain citizens, without danger to the State. M. Thiers was not present to defend himself. The Minister of Justice, M. Dufaure, demanded that the Assembly should pass to the order of the day, and the Right was defeated by a majority of -347 against 291. But their violence did not end there. On Tuesday, during a discussion about the municipality of Lyons, a member of the Right--the Marquis de Gmmmont,—interrupted a speaker of the Left (M. Le Royer) to characterise one of his expressions as an "impertinence," and when called to order by 11. Grevy would not retract unless M. Le Royer retracted his harmless criticism. The Right tumultuously supported M. de Grammont. M. Grevy closed the sitting, and next day sent in his resignation. He was re-elected by 349 votes to 231 given by the Right to M. Buffet, but he will not resume his functions. He -declares his intention, now that the liberation of the territory is assured, to take his place among the Republicans, and resist the attempt of the Right "to juggle away" the Republic. He will lend the Republican cause the powerful aid of a popular, a mode- rate, and a firm statesman. It is said that he will be once more re-elected as a demonstration, and then replaced by M. Martel.