If we may trust the Russian Press, there is a
very strong Russian party insisting on the annexation of Kltira after it has been con- quered. The Gobs, in an article which- has been translated this. week, declares that the Mutilate must, in Russian interests, be- annexed as well as conquered,—as the only means of preventing- either a very great contempt for the power of Russia, or else, if the Khanate is to be occupied at a few important military points, but not annexed or governed, a very heavy financial loss. "In Central Asia," says the Gobs, "there is no retracing one's. steps with impunity." But in Western Europe evidently it does. not see any difficulty of that kind. Russia may retrace her stepsv in reference to any engagement taken with a Western power with- out the smallest compunction. Such is the effect—on the Russian Press, at all events—of our easy acquiescence in the rupture of the Treaty of Paris: