The news from Spain is no better. The Carlista have
not been checked,—at Berge, in Catalonia, they made prisoners of 500 soldiers, and at Ripen they set the church on fire and made reprisals on the Carbineers,—and everywhere we hear of armed men going about and plundering the population. Malaga seems to have set up a sort of municipal government for itself, in which it does not allow the Central Government to inter- fere. In the province of Salamanca Communist riots, or what are so termed in the telegrams, have occurred. General Dorregaray, the Carlist General in the North, goes on steadily advancing, and the Republican army, which it has been said this week was to be put under Serrano for better organisation,—a step not yet taken,—is in something like anarchy. Probably the Government is short of funds. It must be a very difficult matter to raise the taxes in the present disturbed state of the country. There is no sign of any real strength at the centre of affairs.