Brare Men's Footsteps. By the Editor of "Men Who Have
Risen." (W. S. King.)—A good book of its kind, which will, we hope, meet with the same well-deserved success that attended its predecessor. The editor first gives the life of Josiah Wedgowood, under the apt desig- nation of "The Man of Energy;" then Comes a paper entitled "A Group of Famous English Merchants, and under this heading we have the Do la Poles of Hull—why not carry on the tale, and show the sorrows which overtook the Do la Poles when they ceased to be merchants and became courtiers ?—Sir Richard Whittington, Sir Thomas Gresham, Hugh Myddleton, William Paterson, and Sir William Brown, of Liver- pool. Then we have the story of "Three Famous Soldiers," Napier, OutTam, and Havelock. These stories have been, of course, told before ; but Englishmen will not easily tiro of thorn, and the editor of the volume before us certainly does justice to them.