Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. By W. H. G. Kingston.
(Rout- ledge.)—One regrets, perhaps, to see what may be called the friends of one's youth—such stories as "The Loss of the 'Kent,' East Indiaman," and "The Wreck of the Medusa '"—disappear from these collections. But it is inevitable that they should be pushed out of their places by records more tragical, or at least more recent in their interest. Mr. Kingston has made, it seems to us, a good choice, and has given his reader's narratives which are not only full of striking incident, but also, for the most part, little known. Of others more familiar, such as The -Wreck of the ' Birkenhead,' " we can only say that, though future generations may witness deeds more heroic, to this generation such a story cannot be told too often. All boy readers and not a few of older date will know Mr. Kingston's name as that of a practised and skilful tale-teller.