The funeral of Mr. Rhodes took place in the Cathedral
at Cape Town on Thursday. Conspicuous in the pro- cession which accompanied the body from the Houses of Parliament to the Cathedral were Mr. Merriman, Mr. Sauer, Mr. Molten°, and a number of Rand Members. The Archbishop of Cape Town, who preached the funeral sermon, to judge from the summaries that have been telegraphed, must have, made a striking _ address. Though not a great churchgoer, Mr. 'Rhodes was essentially religious.
In sacred converse with the Archbishop shortly before his last illness he showed that he realised the nearness of death, and manifested an earnest desire to prepare to meet it." The final resting-place of Mr. Rhodes's body is to be in a tomb among the rocks of the Matoppo Hills,—a fitting resting-place for a man who, whatever his blunders and faults, was undoubtedly devoted to the land to which he gave his name, and in whose future he so strongly believed.