There Is A Singular Conflict In Accounts From Pekin As
to the extent to which the Chinese are employing Japanese to instruct their soldiers and the artisans of their great arsenals. It is asserted on the one hand that the Japanese......
The Russians Seem To Be Still Casting About For Means
of worrying the authors of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty. Their Ambassador in Pekin has, it is said, suggested that Thibet should be declared independent, obviously as a blow to......
The Roman Correspondent Of The Morning Post States That The
Papacy, though it has lost great amounts through injudicious investment, is still fairly well off. Its invest- ments, which have now been transferred to Italian under- takings,......
M. Meline, The Leader Of The Conservatives And...
the French Chamber, and hitherto supposed to be secretly allied to the Nationalists, made at Remiremont on Sunday last a rather remarkable speech. He repudiated Bonapartism......
A Correspondent Of The Times Publishes On Monday An Account
of the unrest in Arabia which is certainly of some, a nd may be of much, political interest. He believes that a descendant of the Wahabee dynasty, crushed in 1818 by Ibrahim......
The Constantinople Correspondent Of The Daily Mail States...
Sultan, tormented by fears of rebellion and assassina- tion, has quietly executed his brother, Raschid Pasha, who, according to Mahommedan law, ranks before the Sultan's own......
.le Temps, A Paper - Remarkable For Its Dislike Of This
country, has been greatly struck by the reported terms of Mr. Rhodes's will. Its conductors even consider the great legacies to educa. tion as homages to intelligence and ideas,......