"compulsory Volunteering."
[To THE EDTTOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR:] Sin,—The Head-Master of Loretto, writing to you on "Com- pulsory Volunteering" in the Spectator of March 22nd, says in criticising the dress......
Confiscations In The American Civil War. [to The Editor Of
THE "SPEOTATOR."J SIB,—I have several times seen it stated by correspondents of yours that after the suppression of our great rebellion, in 1865, we made wholesale confiscations......
rTO THE EDITOR Or TER "SPECTATOR.".1 SER,—In reference to your article on " Grace " in the Spec- tator for March 29th, will you allow me to make the following quotation from......
Drill In Swiss Elementary Schools.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—One feature in the training of the Swiss citizen has only received a passing notice in the instructive pamphlet by Mr. Coulton, entitled......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator-1
SIR,—If the question be What is grace ? (as distinct from what may be postulated about it), then I think Canon Body's is one that deserves to rank among great definitions. He......
Letters From Mazzin1.
[TO THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR."] Sfa,—We should esteem it a favour if you could mention that Mr. Bolton King is now engaged upon a biography of Mazzini, and will be grateful......
On! met ye April on your way— And was she grave or was she gay— Saw ye a primrose chaplet lair— Upon her tangled, wind-tossed hair ? And had she on a kirtle green, The sweetest......
The Study Of St. Francis.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I have been asked by M. Paul Sabat,ier to make known to all lovers of St. Francis that a new Society is being formed of all students of......