5 APRIL 1913, Page 1


THOUGH the Turks are stated to have agreed to the terms proposed by the Powers, the war is not ended nor has the European tension been relaxed. Indeed it may be said, as we go to press, to have reached its height. Though the Powers have in effect forbidden the Montenegrins to attempt the storming of Scutari, efforts to take the city by assault are still continued, and on Monday some external works, i.e., those at Tarabosch, were carried by the Montenegrins with great gallantry. According to the accounts, which, it must be admitted, seem to have a somewhat romantic tinge, a body of bomb-throwers, armed with hand grenades, advanced upon the works and, under the cover of the explosion made by them, the regular assault took place, all the bomb-throwers, it is said, being killed. Other accounts, however, show that the loss of life among the advance party was by no means so serious. In any case the carrying of the forts seems to have been an act of true military heroism.