Some Books Of Tiie Week.
[Under this heading Are +miles such Books of the week as hare not teen resertecl for retire) in other forms.] Imperial Defence and Closer Union. By Howard d'Egville. With a......
The Cathedrals And Churches Of Rome And Southern Italy. By
T. Francis Bumpus. (T. Werner Laurie. 16s.)—Mr. Bumpus begins with an interesting classification of the churches of Rome, which will be a help to people who wish to increase the......
The Lost Language Of Symbolism. By Harold Bayley. 2 Vols.
(Williams and Norgate. 253. net.)—Basing his inferences on the study of medieval water-marks, Mr. Harold Bayley has elaborated in his present work the suggestions originally put......
We Are Glad To Welcome The Issue In A Cheaper
form of some of the volumes of the famous Bohn's Library. The new edition is described under the name of " Bohn's Popular Library." (G. Bell and Sons. is. net each......
The Autobiography Of A Working Woman. By Adelheid Popp. (t.
Fisher Unwin. 3s. ent net.)—Before we come to the translation of Frau Popp's Life we haves touching introduction by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, whose wife n-as instiumental in......