Some Books Of Tiie Week.
[Under this heading Are +miles such Books of the week as hare not teen resertecl for retire) in other forms.] Imperial Defence and Closer Union. By Howard d'Egville. With a......
Readable Novels.—the Call Of The Siren. By Harold...
and Boon. 6s.).—A most interesting first novel. The parents who appear in the first chapters seem to be disappoint- ingly forgotten by the author and their own children : the......
Monte Carlo. By Margaret Staepoole (mrs. Ii. De Vere...
(Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—This is an extremely clever sketch of the adventures of an English artist and his wife at Monte Carlo, and, surprising to note, the interest of the......
The Red Cross Girl. By Richard Harding Davis. (duckworth And
Co. 6s.)—This is a collection of not very noteworthy stories, redeemed by a most spirited and moving sketch called " Tho Invasion of England." In this two Oxford undergraduates......
Fictio N.
NEW LEAF MILLS.* Mn. HOWELLS might have taken for his sub-title that of Waverley—" 'Tie Sixty Years Since." It is a story of the Middle West in the ante-bellum period, based no......