The Russian news is excellent. On Friday, July 28th, our
Allies gained a triple success on the southern half of their front. General Kaledin, to the north-west of Luck, drove through the enemy's lines at Kashovka, on the Stokhod, forcing them to draw back from the bend of the river with the loss of forty-six guns and nine thousand men. General Sakharoff, to the south of Luck, captured Brody, on the Galician border, with thirteen thoueand men and nine guns. On the same day, to the south of the Dniester, General Lechitsky resumed his westward advance by taking Jezier- zany, eighteen miles east of the important junction of Stanislau During the week, as Mr. Washburn, the Times correspondent, states, the Germans have been flinging their masses with " absolute desperation " against General Kaledin, but he has held his own, and was on Wednesday within eighteen miles of Kovel, Linsingen's strategic centre. If that is lost, Hindenburg's northern front will be imperilled. In Galicia Bothmer is slowly being outflanked in the Dniester Valley. Despite the floods, the Russians crossed the Koropieo River, a northern tributary of the Dniester, on Tuesday.