Undeterred By Ministerial Indifference And Dilatoriness,...
has kept pegging away at the Government for months past to deprive the Duke of Cumberland, the Duke of Albany, and Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein of their British honours,......
In The House Of Commons On Wednesday Mr. Asquith Made
an important statement upon the proceedings of the Allies' Economic Conference at Paris. Our objects were mainly (a) to show that the Allies will wage the war with as much unity......
Mr. Asquith, As A Life-long Free Trader, Defended The...
resolutions—the chief of which had, he said, been drafted by Mr. Runciman—as necessary means of defence in the economic struggle of the future. In the debate, which reached an......
Mr. Asquith Certainly Confirmed The Principles Laid Down...
more warmly than in any previous utterance. Having appreciated more fully than ever what the industrial penetration of a country by Germany' means, he very rightly concentrates......
The Announcement That The British Government Had...
of firms, corporations, and persona in the United States, and forbidden all financial or commercial dealings between them and citizens of Great Britain, elicited a strong......
The Protest Is Based On The Assumption That The British
Govern. ment intend to black-list neutrals doing business with black-listed firms. But Sir Cecil Spring Rico had already made it clear in a supplementary statement, issued......
A Third Raid Was Carried Out Shortly After Midnight On
Wednes- day, when six or seven airships dropped a considerable number of bombs in the Eastern and South-Eastern counties. Up to the moment of our going to press no military......
Security, Of Course, May Be An Expensive Thing. Whatever It
may cost, however, we must have it. On the other hand, we are inclined to believe that even under what will be in the abstract a more expensive system of conducting our commerce......
Favoured By The Lengthening Nights And The Absence Of Moon,
the Germans have resumed their Zeppelin raids. On Friday, the 28th of July, three airships raided the East Coast between midnight and 1.30 a.m. and dropped thirty-two bombs in......
Roger Casement Was Executed On Thursday Morning. There Had
been a movement for his reprieve, but it had no more force, whether on grounds of law or expediency, than can be drafted into an argu- ment for the reprieve of any one condemned......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.
July 13th.......