"in Trinity College During The Sinn Fein Rebellion."
[To THE EDITOR OP TEl " SPECTATOR.1 Sat,—The writer of the notice in the Spectator of July 8th of the Blackwood article, " In Trinity College during the Sinn Feb Rebellion," has......
The Irish Fiasco.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TILE " SPECTATOR."] ilba, —A great many of us old Unionists are badly puzzled at the events of the last two or three months. We cannot understand what it was......
Protective Armour For Infantry.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TEl SPECTATOR. "] Pm—Regarding your attitude—viz., that it is " wrong to criticize the Government "—I should like you to devote your attention to one example......
A Shield For Attack.
[To THE Enrroa or THE "IneeeTATOE."1 Sta,—Knowing the interest you take in the above, from letters in your - valuable paper and editorial remarks thereon, I wish to give a short......
A Great National Economy.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] have already trespassed considerably upon your space, but I shall be grateful if you will allow me to offer a few comments on the letter......