The most curious aspect of this debate was that, just
when one would have expected nerves to be all on edge, and the tone of the speakers to be most rasping and threatening, there was a subdued air of something resembling complete resignation and (with the necessary exceptions, of course) a new sort of tolerance of Ulster Unionists by the Nationalists. What was the meaning of this ? Surely it must be that Mr. Redmond and his followers were really well content to be quit of a scheme which they knew would not work—a scheme which they dreaded trying to impose upon an unwilling country. We suspect that the mistrust of a Dublin Parliament by the Irish Roman Catholic clergy is so strong that Mr. Redmond has secretly to bow to it. The Roman Catholic clergy probably believe that more power for politicians in 'rehire' would mean much less power for themselves. There was a vc curious analogy in the United States Congress when Home Ru, for the Philippines was resisted by the mobilization of the whole Roman Catholic vote. Roman Catholic policy works with a certain unity throughout the world, and we suggest that this analogy is well worth reflecting upon.