5 AUGUST 1922, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your issue of July 22nd mention is made of a sugges- tion that the place-name " Coldharbour " meant a winter shelter for cattle. " Coldharbour," "Coldcote," " Colbury," he., have been said to mean the ruins of resthouses or other buildings near Roman roads where Saxon wayfarers could and shelter but no entertainment. A test of the rival theories would be the proximity to or remoteness from a Roman road a the numerous Coldharbours referred to.—I am, Sir, he.,

R. L.

[ColonelICarslake, the author of the article in the Antiquaries' lournal, disposed of the old theory, which is not borne out by the facts.—En. Spectator.]