Thanks To The.good Sense Of The Trade Union Leaders, There
is now reason to hope that the engineering industry, freed from part of the war bonus, will speedily recover its old prosperity. The employers proposed to reduce the bonus by......
A Remarkably Candid Letter By Cardinal Logue Was Read From
the altar at Dundalk on Sunday by Father McKeon° : "I don't know what Dundalk is coming to or how it will end. It must have a rare supply of rascals and robbers. I am......
When The House Of Lords Resumed On Monday The Debate
on the Government's vague resolutions for reform, Lord Salisbury pointed out that what was really needed was not a chango in the constitution of the House but . a modification......
With Lord Salisbury's Defence Of The Hereditary...
the ground that it would be unsafe to abolish hereditary legislators and leave the Crown as the only hereditary office, the Lord Chancellor professed himself in full agreement.......
Mr. Collins's Forces Are Reported By His Press Bureau To
be winning many victories over the so-called " irregulars " who go -with Mr. De Valera, and to be advancing on a wide front towards Cork. It is by no means clear, however, that......
We Cannot Find Space To-day To Do More Than Refer
briefly to Mr. Lloyd George's speech on Indian Affairs made on Wednesday night in the House of Commons. After a panegyric of the Indian Civil Service Mr. Lloyd George declared,......
Mr. Asquith Reminded The House That The Duty, Though High,
was wholly insufficient to counterbalance the advantage which the German exporter derived from the fantastically low exchange. He commented on the inefficiency of a tariff which......
The Board Of Trade Order Imposing A Duty Of A
third of the value on fabric gloves, which come mainly from Saxony and are woven from Lancashire yarn, was sanctioned by the House of Commons on Monday, after a lively debate.......
-'before Ithe- Debate -came On Sir William Ydge, The...
Liberal Member for Bolton, resigned his position as a Govern- ment Whip so that he might vote against the fabric glove duty. His colleague, the Welsh Liberar Whip, was defeated......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 34 Per Cent.
July 13, 1922; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 104,; Thursday week, 1001 ; a year ago, 88f.......