The National Review.
Tan National Review will not commend itself to supporters of the Coalition. "Centurion," under the head of "The Real Criminals," denounces the Prime Minister for the Irish......
The Fortnightly Review.
IN the Fortnightly Sir Michael O'Dwyer writes with vigour and good sense on "India without Mr. Montagu and Gandhi." and discusses the best method of repairing some of the harm......
The August Magazines.
THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE Nineteenth Century gives prominence to an instructive article by Sir Arthur Keith on the question, "Is Darwinism at the Dusk or at the Dawn ? " The......
The Contemporary Review.
hr the Contemporary Sir Charles Hobhouse, writing oft "Reparations and Tariffs," proposes that we should offer to forgo all further reparation payments if Germany will agree to......
Blackwood's Magazine.
Blackwood gives a long and highly interesting account of "The Last Days of Dublin Castle" by a well-informed writer, who uses the pseudonym "Periscope," and who attributes,......