We deal elsewhere with the general question of Honours. Next
week we propose to supplement what we have said as to Honours-Brokerage by publishing a statement by the Editor of. the Spectator as to: his own_ experiences in: this respect._ The story is as quaint as. it is.strange, but it.throws, a. light. upon. that: past- into. which . the. Government refuse to allow, the, country- to look. We. hope. that, in view of'. all the circumstances. Mr.. Strachey's. story- may- elicit. other testimony to. the ways of HonoureBrokers; whether official, . seml?offrial,,. or. self-appointed. Na: mere_ gossip can, be published_ by - us: and- all letters must:be accompanied: by the names .and addressesof the writers:. These will be. treated in_ the very strictest mute as: confidential, but: they are, necessary to show, the. bona fides. at correspondents.