Sharing Profits with Employees. By James A. Bowie. (Sir Isaac
Pitman and Sons. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Bowie surveys the whole subject of profit-sharing, describes the various schemes very clearly and gives the arguments for and against each of them. He does not approve of the distribution of extra profits in the form of cash to the workmen. His own preference is for contributory copartnership, adopted by the Bradford Dyers' Association, Messrs. Hazel], Watson and Viney, Messrs. William Cory and Son, and other firms. Under the Bradford scheme the workmen are encouraged to buy ordinary shares on favourable terms and receive an extra dividend as a bonus. The workmen thus feel that they have a direct interest in the welfare of the business and that they participate in the control. The book is lucid and well lviitten and deserves to be widely read.