BURMESE resistance has collapsed. After capturing the Minhla forts, as mentioned in our last issue, General Pren- dergast proceeded quietly up the River Irrawaddy with his steam flotilla, capturing here a war-boat and there a fort, but meeting with no serious resistance until he arrived at Ave, the ancient capital. Here earthworks were found thrown up, guns were ready, and there were soldiers in plenty; but there was no heart left in the defenders. With the means in their hands, three hundred Europeans would have stopped the Expedition; but the people wished to be conquered, the soldiers wished to go home, and King Theebau wished only to preserve his own worthless life. He forwarded at first a whining letter, com- plaining of British promptitude, talking about his allies, and asking for an armistice; but on General Prendergast demanding the surrender of the army, the forts, the capital, and the King as the conditions of that armistice, he asked only for his life, and gave up everything. So did the people. The courtiers fled from the palace, looting it "a little;" the soldiers flung away their weapons with expressions of delight, the great guns, twenty-eight of them, were sent on board the steamers, the forts were thrown open, and amidst universal submission, the British General, with thoughts in him, let us hope, about the value of " education " as it is understood in India, steamed away to Mandelay to complete his work. There also he found no resistance, though he had to clear away an obstacle in the channel; and on the 28th ult., after an hour's march, he with his soldiers entered Mandelay.