5 DECEMBER 1885, page 3

Mr. Gladstone's Letter To The Electors Of Midlothian,...

for their magnificent support, does not quite strike the key we should have wished. It breathes the spirit of an elec- tion contest rather than the spirit of high statesmanship.......

A Strong Bodyof Cambridge Professors And Divi Ne S, —which

will, wehelieve, include more than half the heads of houses and two- thirds of the resident professors in the University ; —are about to present a declaration to the Archbishops......

We Have Received Several Inquiries For Information On The...

of the American Commission on the Depression of Trade, to which we referred last week in our article on "Tory Contingencies." The report of the Commission is not yet pub-......


The Adjourned Meeting Of The London University...

asked ou Tuesday to vote the appointment of a new Committee to consider Mr. Magnus's plan for reforming the Uni- versity. We believe that that plan is free from some of the......

Lord Duffeiin, With The Consent Of The Home Govern- Ment,

has handed over the rook fortress of Gwalior, which dominates the eity of that name, to the Maharajah Scindiah, and has allowed him to keep three thousand more troops. Had Lord......

The.london School Board, Instead Of Electing The Late...

Mr. E. N. Batton, as its new chairman, has preferred to elect the Rev. J. R. niggle, whose policy is supposed to repre- sent a policy of stricter economy, and one opposed to the......

We Do Not Understand The Fuss Which Has Been Made

about the execution of the murderer, Goodale, at Norwich. Berry, the executioner, adjusted the rope in the usual way, and the prisoner fell a drop of only six feet; but owing,......