5 DECEMBER 1885, page 1

Then Ensued One Of Those Wonderful Scenes Which No Romancer

would dare invent, and which could occur only in Farther Asia. The g reat capital, with its palace citadel half a mile s q uare covered with g ilded roofs, its pa g odas, and......

In Ireland There Can Hardly Be One Liberal Member. Cer-

tainly, he has not yet been elected. The Liberal, Mr. Dickson, was defeated in Mid-Antrim by a Conservative, Mr. O'Neill. The Liberal, Mr. Walker, was defeated in the Northern......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


News Of The Week.

B URMESE resistance has collapsed. After capturin g the Minhla forts, as mentioned in our last issue, General Pren- der g ast proceeded q uietly up the River Irrawaddy with his......

Yesterday Week, The Elections Took A Turn For The Better.

Mr. Gladstone was returned for Midlothian by the ma g nificent majority of 4,631 over Mr. Dalrymple ; Lord Hartin g ton was returned for the Rossendale division of Lancashire by......