The Germans had a scene in their Reichstag on Tuesday.
It appears that the astounding stories of the expulsion of thou- sands of Poles from East Prussia and Silesia are true, and the Polish Deputies, supported by the Centre, rose to put an inter- pellation. condemning the decree. Thereupon Prince Bismarck read an Imperial message, couched in the haughtiest terms, declaring that the expulsion was an act of Prussia, and that the interpolation was an attack on the independence of each of the Confederated States of Germany. The Prince added for himself that he was ready to defend his action in the Parliament of Prussia; but that in the German Parliament he had no more to say. There is no doubt of the technical accuracy of this plea ; but the Reichstag has, nevertheless, the right of petitioning the Emperor to remonstrate with the King of Prussia about conduct tending to breed war between Slays and Germans. Instead, however, of taking this line, Herr Windthorst moved that the Chancellor's salary be stopped, and, of course, took nothing by his motion.