Mother's Songs, Games, and Stories (William Rice), is a- translation
from Rrlibel's " Matter-kind Koeelieder," by Frances and Emily Lord, and,contains "the whole of the original illustrations, and the music, rearranged for children's voices, with pianoforte accompani- ment." Miss Frances Lord commends the book to her readers in an admirable preface. Frtialein Eleanore Heerwart—who, as the trans- lator tells us, represents the old Probel traditions—supplies an intro- duction, and then comes the book itself, which needs no description. Frobel's work is faithfully given here down to the original German text, unfortunately reduced by the pictures being electrotyped to a size which is somewhat trying to eyes that are no longer young.— With this may be mentioned Merrie Games in Rhyme. By the Hon. Emmeline Plunket. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—Here are some thirty or forty games with pictures, words of songs with which they are- to be played, and music accompaniments, and directions for what is to be done. Some are well known, as the famous "Oranges and Lemons," and "Here Come Three Dukes a-Riding." Othersevill probably be new to meet children. It is a pretty-book, and maywell furnish plenty of-We—Werdon't know whether we are right-in inoindhagnin this notice anything se serious awe volume belonging to an educational series. We will run the risk, however, by mentioning Action Songs for Infant Schools, arranged by Wilhel- mina L. Rooker (Griffith, Ferran and Co.)—Here are some twenty "Nursery Rhymes and Baby-songs," about as many "Musical Games, Action Songs, and Manners," fourteen "-Songs without Action," and five "Groups of Songs," one about "A Doll's Day," another for "Christmas," &c. A child need not go to an infant school to get a great deal of pleasure out of this volume.