Bridge Notes. By Colonel C. S. Wheler. (Crowther and Goodman. Is. not.)—Colonel Wheler is admirably plain in his counsels. He begins with a rule which, stating the value of a hand in figures, indicates plainly when "No trumps" are to be declared. The frequency of this declaration in play which may be presumed. to be of a high level is a little surprising. Out of a total of a thousand recorded games there were four hundred and thirty-five "No trumps" declarations, and, we observe with some surprise, only twenty clubs. It would seem probable that there would be more cases where, the score being within four or eight of thirty, a club declaration would be almost certain to make the score. A useful particular is the statement of averages. Probability, of which the law of averages is the typical represen- tative, is the guide of life, in bridge as in other matters. "Idiosyncrasies," in which one may see the things that ought not to be done, is an amusing and instructive page.