THE VILLAGE IN THE LAKE.* BENEATH the lake green as a wizard's beryl The village sleeps the centuries away, The bells are ringing somewhere in the sunshine For weddings and for......
Belgium And The Congo Free State. [to Tiir Ediiolt Of
TI111 -sricoraros..-1 Sia,—There is, if I may be permitted to say so, an even more important feature in Sir Edward Grey's reply to the Belgian Government than the one to which......
An Unknown Donor Of The "spectator.' [to The Editor Or
THU "SeRCTATOR."1 Sin,—Some End friend has been in the habit of sending me the Spectator for a number of years past, but I do not know his or her name. The paper bears the......
Keepers' Benefit Society.
[To TEM EDITOR Or TIM sarkron. - ] Siu,—May I be allowed to bring before the notice of your readers the claims of a Society founded some twenty years ago to secure to......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......