France Since Waterloo.
France since Waterloo. By W. Grinton Berry, M.A. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Berry has evidently studied his subject with much care ; he writes with great vivacity, and sets off......
The Wallace And Tate Galleries. By Estelle Ross. "the...
Series." (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—This book aims at being a guide for those who know little about pictures. We cannot help hoping that it may be kept out of......
The Nun Ensign.
The Nun Ensign, Translated from the Spanish, with an Intro- duction and Notes, by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly ; and La Monjcs. Alferes : a Play in the Original Spanish, by Juan......
Both To Describe And To Delineate, The Wonders Of The
old Flemish towns. Not only the cities which are now in Belgium, but those of French Flanders as well, come under notice. Here we realise that not only in Bruges, Ghent, and......
Colour - Sense Training. By E. J. Taylor. (blackie And...
6d. net.)—A vast and indefinite subject of great difficulty is attacked in this little book. There is so much bad colour in the world that any alleviation of the misery caused......
The Attica. Of Pausanias.
The Attica of Pausanias. Edited by Mitchell Carroll, Ph.D. (Ginn and Co. 7s. 6d.)—The Attica occupies the first of the ten books of Pausanias's "Description of Greece." In......
The Standard Galleries Of Holland. By Esther Singleton.
(Hodder and Stoughton. 3s. 6d. net.)—The utility of this little handbook would have been much greater if its arrangement had been more methodical, for then the stores of......
The Art Treasures Of London (painting). By Hugh Stokes....
Fairbaims and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is a most useful little volume. Any one wishing to ascertain where examples of a given painter are to be found has only to look out the......
Catalogue Of Water-colour Paintings By British Artists...
in Great Britain in the Victoria and Albert Museum. (Wyman's. 9d.)—Over four hundred pages are devoted to the catalogue of the very heterogeneous collection of water- colours at......