5 DECEMBER 1908, Page 35


[To TEM EDITOR Or TIM sarkron.-] Siu,—May I be allowed to bring before the notice of your readers the claims of a Society founded some twenty years ago to secure to gamekeepers some of the many advantages afforded by the Hunt Servants' Benefit Society to its members ? There seems to be no good reason why keepers should receive less consideration from those to whose sport they minister than hunt servants ; but the Keepers' Benefit Society has never been able to do more than grant pensions not exceeding £25 per annum to keepers who are totally incapacitated from earning a livelihood, and to provide something towards the support of the relatives of breadwinners who have lost their lives by violence, and even these benefits it has recently been compelled to curtail slightly. If every one who. takes out a game-license would send a pound or two to the secretary, Keepers' Benefit Society, 235 Regent Street, a great boon would be conferred on a very deserving class.—I am, Sir, &c.,