ONCE more we have to record the unpleasant fact that the negotiations for a Conference continue to be at a standstill, the obstructing force being Austria-Hungary. As a diplomatic correspondent, to whose communication the Daily Mail of Friday gives special prominence, points out, a way out of the difficulty could be found if Austria would not, as at present, absolutely refuse to accept any financial liabilities in regard to the provinces. She proposes to leave them to swell the National Debt of Turkey, and is astonished when Turkey protests. As we have repeatedly urged, the proper principle, when a province is severed from one country and annexed to another, is that it should carry with it a just proportion of the National Debt. In a corn. plicated case like the present, the exact amount ought undoubtedly to be left to an international decision. Bulgaria, we are glad to say, has taken a much more reasonable view. No exact figure has been agreed upon, but Bulgaria is stated to be prepared to leave the matter to the Conference. We have expressed our belief elsewhere that the• best, nay, the only, security that remains for peace is the high honour, good sense, and hatred of war of the Emperor Francis Joseph. Though it is difficult flor a Monarch of nearly eighty to exercise authority over the wills of pushing politicians, all looking over the head of the reigning Sovereign to the Heir-Apparent, we still hope that the Emperor will insist that there shall be no war, and that Austria-Hungary shall play a part in accordance with the honourable traditions of her present Sovereign's reign.