5 DECEMBER 1908, Page 19

At Caxton Hall on Thursday a number of influential men

of all parties and creeds met under the chairmanship of Mr. Massie, 31.P., to found a Committee of men for opposing woman suffrage. The speakers included Lord Cromer, Mr. Frederic Harrison, Lord Haversham, Sir E. Ray Lankester, Sir West Ridgeway, Mr. Ivor Guest, Mr. St. Lee Strachey, Mr. Heber Hart, Professor Dicey, Sir Edward Tennant, the Rev. Dr. Darlington, Sir William Brampton Gordon, and Mr. George Agnew. Letters and telegrams of regret for their absence were read from Lord Shuttleworth and Mr. Austen Chamberlain, and also from Lord Curzon, who 'wrote at length and in strong sympathy with the Movement. We cannot help feeling that a movement so influentially Aupported will prevent what is really the chief danger at the present time,—the danger of the extreme suffragists, though in a minority, securing a victory by playing off one party against the other. Mr. Balfour's known sympathy with the imffragist movement is unquestionably a standing danger.