A Prince of Dreamers. By Flora A. Steel. (W. Heinemann.
6s.) —The "prince of dreamers" of Mrs. Steel's title is the great Akbar, Mogul Emperor of India, whose Court and time are depicted for us in this novel with considerable vividness and much romantic charm. Akbar himself is the principal figure of the story, and this picture of a man born with a spirit in advance of his time will command all the sympathies of the reader. One of the most dramatic scenes in the book is that in which the three English adventurers, John Newbery, Ralph Fitch, and William Leedes, obtain recognition in India and convey the greetings of Elizabeth to her great contemporary. The whole book is full of the colour of the East, and if the thread of the story is at times a
little confused and difficult to follow, this perhaps only adds to the effect which Mrs. Steel is endeavouring to produce on her Western readers.