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Padre Agostino da llfontefeltro. Translated by Catherine Mary Phillimore. 2 vols. (Masters and Co. 4s. net.) —A Short History of Philosophy. By Archibald B. D. Alexander, M.A. (J. MacLehose and Sons, Glasgow. 8s. 6d. net.) —From Liken to Tsushima. By the late Eugene S. Politovsky. (John Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—Eugene Politovsky, it will be remembered, was Engineer-in-Chief to the Russian squadron, and was killed at Tsushima.—We have often wondered that there are not more reprints of Anthony Trollope's novels. Here we have a very desirable illustrated edition—the illustrations are by F. C. Tilney—of The Warden, one that ranks very high among them (G. Boutledge and Sons, 5s.)—Mrs. llriggs of the Cabbage Patch. By Alice H. Rice. Illustrated by Harold Copping. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s., cloth ; 18s. 6d., vellum.)