The Wolf Patrol. By John Finnemore. (A. and C. Black.
3s. 6d.)—This book, dedicated to Lieutenant-General Baden- Powell, is designed to commend to young readers the "boy-scout" movement, which was initiated by that distinguished soldier. Mr. Finnemore in his preface vindicates the movement against the charge of militarism, and does it effectually by quoting at length the code of rules to which the boy-scout subscribes. Even the member of a Peace Society could find nothing to object to in them. The story tells of the adventures of a patrol of these scouts, and will be found, we hope, practically useful as well as enter- taining. We think that the incident of the spy might have been dispensed with. That there are spies we do not doubt; but their activities, we imagine, are concentrated on dockyards and ordnance manufactories. They do not, we take it, waste their time in mapping the open e,ountry,—a danger sometimes enlarged upon. Why should they, when for the expenditure of a few pounds they .can get the maps of the twenty-five-inch Ordnance Survey?